Two-Minute QuickStart

GraphiQL Explorer Quick Start

In this demo, you’re going to visit the GraphiQL Explorer that works with Aligni Demo environment and execute one GraphQL query and one mutation.

Step 1 – Visit the GraphiQL Explorer built into Aligni

  • Visit
  • Click on the “Show GraphiQL Explorer” icon in the menu on the left side of the screen (it looks like a folder with “+”).
  • You should see an Explorer panel that lets you build queries quickly by selecting fields that you need.

Step 2 – Run a query

  • Click on the “parts” query.
  • Click to expand the “nodes” section.
  • Select id and manufacturerPn.
  • Run the query by clicking on the play button in the query editor panel.
  • The results panel will show 10 parts with id and manufacturerPn attributes as requested:

Step 3 – Expand the query

  • Now, add revisions to the query by expanding revisions and then nodes and selecting id, revisionName and status.
  • Run the query again and you will see the list of revisions for each part:

Step 4 – Set up a mutation

Mutations are how data is added or updated in GraphQL terminology. Let’s run a mutation that will create a new part revision for “XC3S400-4PQ208C”.

  • Click on the “+” link in the top right part of the screen to “Add tab“.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the Explorer area that has the list of mutations, until you see the “Add new…” control.
  • Select “Mutation” in the select box and click on the “+” next to the select box.
  • You will then see the list of queries in the Explorer:

Step 5 – Specify which data to change

  • Select “partRevisionCreate” mutation from the list.
  • Click on “revisionName” and enter the value “B“.
  • Click on “sourcePartRevisionId” and enter the value “itr_0194YWYH2GW5KS2HECGPX74MJR“.
  • Then select “errors” and “partRevision“.
  • Under “partRevision“, select “id” and “revisionName“.

Step 6 – Execute the mutation

  • Execute the query by clicking on the play button:
  • If you then execute the query defined in the previous section, you will see that the part “XC3S400-4PQ208C” has a new revision: