
Aligni takes the integrity, privacy, and security of your organization's data very seriously. Keep your account and data secure with secure sign on and two-factor authentication (TFA).

Account administration for each organization is handled by a dedicated administrator. Administrators may grant and revoke access to each account, but have no administrative control over the accounts themselves. Administrators may optionally require TFA for access.

Two-Factor Authentication (TFA)

With two factor authentication, you can use 3rd party mobile apps such as Authy and Google Authenticator to add an additional layer of security by requiring access to a second “factor” to log in to your account.

Visit your Account Settings to enable Two Factor Authentication, then configure your authentication app by following the prompts.


Access to your authentication app is vital for data and account integrity. Ensure that you take all appropriate steps to maintain access to your second factor. Should you lose access, you may permanently lose access to your account.

This is especially important for administrator accounts.

Backup Email

As an added level of backup, you may provide a backup email for your account. Should you lose access to your second factor and lose your backup codes, your backup email is an additional line of protection for your account. We strongly suggest providing a backup email address.

To add a backup email, visit your Account Settings.