Units of Measure
User-customizable units of measure are provided by Aligni in order to resolve ambiguity between what is used on a part list, what is ordered on a purchase order, and how certain parts are costed. Depending on the application, Aligni distinguishes between two contexts of units:
- Unit of Measure – This is the “native” representation of an item and specifies how the part is used on a BOM. Typical part units would be: each, minutes (labor), liters (fluids), inches (wire).
- Display Unit – In some instances, it may be more convenient to represent the quantity of an item in a different unit of measure. For example, the native unit of measure for a particular adhesive may be milliliters. But it may be more convenient to show the current inventory as 2.7 40-oz. bottles rather than 3,193.9 mL. Aligni provides such conversions as a convenience.
Unit Conversions
When you enter units in Aligni, you need to provide conversion factors between any pair of units that are convertible. Unit conversions tell Aligni how to convert between buy-as units and use-as units, when appropriate. They also establish which units are available as buy units for a particular part.
For a more detailed look at units and how to utilize them most effectively, please visit the Units Documentation Page.